Monday, February 1, 2010, 12:07 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog (:
I'm off today as per normal (:
Playing cafe world.. hehe...
Yesterdat at work i did ordertaker & busser..
Yeah right,, Ordertaker again? -.-
What can i say.. I'm assign with that job..
Tomorrow i'm working till 5pm with hubby,, then head down to BP to teach tuition..
Wednesday i'm off again.. Thursday working till 5pm again then head to BP to teach again..
OMG!! I'm getting damn busy with work & tuition..
Teaching at 2 places.. I hope i can manage (:
& i know i will (:
Pay will be in soon.. Need to buy Sandal & Pumps for school..
Told mum about it & she say ok..
Hehehe.. Its my pay, she will definitely give the GREEN LIGHT!
The MP3 that i bought for $99.. She didn't scold me at all (:
Since i use my pay..
Today is like FEB!!
Its superb fast.. Can't believe it.. Soon school will start ):
No more working i guess but tuition will still be on for both places (:
No one is at home,, Dad & mum went out..
Hidayat is at school.. Sis at out hen head to work..
As for me, i will be out at around 2.30 or 3..
Now i'm listening to my mp3 & updating this blog of mine..
Now heading back to my cafe.. HAHAHA..
I can't seem to have my fullest trust for you..
I, myself am not sure why i am having this attitude..
I have told you many times that i'm too afraid.. Maybe that is why i'm having this feeling..
It's just not me.. IFFAH!! WAKE UP!!!
I've been hurt too many times.. I'm sorry..
But i have to say this:
Each individual is different i know.. But I can't bring myself together to go through it again..
No matter how sincere that person is.. )':
I'm sorry )':
I'm crying alone deep inside )':
No one knows how exactly i feel.. You maybe thinking some weird motive to hit me.. But I'm sorry there's always a limit to it.. Once i'm uneasy about it.. You will know what you will get..
I don't care if are hurt by my words or whatsoever..
Why can't i hurt you but you can hut me.. Why?!
I maybe nice when you're nice at me..
If you're not.. I'm sorry but my respect for you ends there..