Friday, January 22, 2010, 11:23 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey Blog,,
Can't believe today is my pay.. I've yet to take a look at how much i got...
Hmm.. hope it's sufficient to give an amount to my mum (:
Planing to treat my family on Monday but not sure if everyone is free (:
No one is at home.. Only me..
Chatting with Hubby right now.. He kept pestering me to webcam with him..
Hehe.. He is so cute & handsome! Love him so much!!!
Will be meeting him later with the rest (:
Thank GOD the rain stop.. DoaKu Dikabulkan (:
Mum & dad went out.. Not sure to where they are heading..
Hubby said he is going offline but he is still online?
Weird.. Haha.. He said he will be ironing his clothes.. Hmm...
As for me.. i will iron my clothes at 12.15pm i guess..
Ok mum's back.. hahaha!!!
Gtg (: