Thursday, January 21, 2010, 10:22 PM
I cant deny i miss this guy badly.. ):
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru

Okey.. i got this photo without him knowing.. hehehe..
Told hym about it (:
Hey blog,,
Faizal is having some personal prob.. Which i can't share it here...
It's between me n him..
Guess wat! Yesterday that bastard txt me...
Texted me in a VERI nice and pleasant way.. But too bad my heart belong to Hubby alone (:
He want to patch with me.. WTH!!!
No way la sey.. Nvr will i fall for his words..
Words which is full of incomplete promises...
Who would ever wanna trust him again...
Whoever trust him must be blind..
I miss you badly sey ):
Haix.. Only my heart knows how i really feel..
Sometimes,, i wonder is this for real or Your just the same like the others..
I try not to think bad about you.. But maybe i'm just too scared to fall in that lane again..
I hope you get what i mean.. I don:t wanna fall in that lane ever.. please ):
I have had enough.. If i were to go through it again.. I don't think i will ever trust guys again.. EVER!
The pain in my heart is yet to be heal.. I'm trying my best to heal it ASAP.. With your help (:
I hope you will understand me & accept me for who i am (:
I just wanna feel appreciated by you.. The worst thing ever that happen to me is that they don't appreciate me.. & they even talk rudely to as if i'm not special to them..
I know i'm a fool.. But that doesn't meant i don't have feeling like the way the other girls have..
I'm also an ordinary girl who wants to be love and feel treasured..
But its still not coming to me..
I feel like giving up sometimes.. Am i really that useless?
I know i may look like 14 but i'm matured enuf to feel the way others are being loved..
P.S.: Hope you would not do the same thing to me cause i can't bear to go through it again ):