Monday, January 25, 2010, 10:18 AM
This is me!!! (:
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru

Hey blog,,
So yea.. As you can see.. & i know that you will know that today is my off day (:
Including Wednesday (:
Its is also my off day (:
Cool uh! There will always be 2 off day for me.. & the manager understood why..
Woke up at 9+.. switch on the computer & transfer all the songs (:
Hehe.. I will be using my mp3 today!!! Yipee!!!
Hubby is also off today.. I have no idea why he took off today..
& he will be working straight till sun from 12 till closing..
Sis is working.. Hahaha!! Kecian!
Will be heading for tuition at 2.30pm i guess (:
Chatting with Danial right now.. Hubby? I'm no sure wat he is doing right now..
Must be sleeping.. HAHAHA!!!
Yesterday,, He fetch me from work..
Gave me two choc bar & two gum.. which he bought from Johor..
&& the choc bar besar sey!
Btw nat tagged me in facebook.. the time while i'm with my bangs face..
I look way different sey!
But i like that bangs face.. So cute! mcm prasan la pulak kan..Hehehe
Gtg (:
See ya soon (: