Friday, January 29, 2010, 9:25 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog..
There will be a lot going on today, especially on the job scene, Pisces. You may find yourself dealing with contentious people or situations, but rather than join in on the drama, you need to close the door on the outside world and focus on the inner. You can use meditation, prayer, trance, or just let go of all that drama for a moment or two. Doing so may give you the experience of the voice within, and chances are good that it's inspiring you to move in the direction that's right for you.How are things going on? smoothly?
As for me things are going smoothly.. at work it seems like my schedule is wae different from my frineds.. Just like today..
They will be working from 12-5pm and i'm working from 5-10pm..
Isn't that weird..
Last tues i work from 12-10pm and they work from 12-5pm..
Sun is pay day!
I so can't wait..
I have already calculate.. an estimation of 300+ i will receive..
It's only 9.30am..
Ouh yeah! i have to search for Ryan's songs.. & will be heading down to Mkbusu house to hand over Iqah's MP3..
I feel as if my LIFE is changing for the better!
Everithing seems to be different..
& a new education route that i will go through..
IN PoLY LIFE!! i'm definitely going to do my best in evry single thing..
& i want my result to be way better than my Sec or even pri skul life!
Some people say RP i snot good..
I'm going to prove them wrong..
Everywhere u go.. education will be taken in..
No matter where u study or even your surroundings (: