Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:48 AM
Yea.. So This is Faizal.. Using my Phone to take his pic.. Case tgh boring.. HAHAHA!!!
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru

Hey blog (:
How's everything going?
As for me its fine (:
Just uplaod my pic with hubby on facebook..
Only 2 pic.. Hahaha.. Pathetic kan..
This above pic- he was the one taking his own pic.. i was sitting beside hym with a boring face..
Sowie for the late continuation..
Hahaha.. i was discusing about an outing next wed (:
Hehehe.. will be heading to Marina Square.. just a class gathering to play bowling n catch up with one another updates (:
About work and Ect..
Tomorrow maybe going out with roy, amy n hubby..
Still not confrm yet.. But hubby need to go off early since he is going johor tomorrow (:
With his parents..
Guess wat!! his lesen bike n car kena revoke.. WTH kan..
Sad sey ):