Saturday, December 12, 2009, 11:54 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey readers..
Currently cleaning hanne on my nail..
Many thihs did happen right?? When it comes to holiday.. new things wil appear each day..
Unexpecting things..
GOOD to BAD.. BAD to GOOD..&& sum will just stay as they are (:
Sometimes it hurts to see them change and sometimes happy..
For once how i wish my life can be the way i want it to be..
But im not GOD to create my life.. Isn't that true?
I read Su's post.. must be happy to get wat u want right? (:
As for me.. things did change a bit.. but im happier this way.. and dun wish to hurt the
people around me.. JUST ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM (:
The Pain in my hurt no one knows accept HYM(GOD)..
But im determined tat i can go thru this challenge no matter how hard it is..
me getting sick..me not getting wat i want..&& me feeling lonely..
This are the challenges tat i face..
But i have to be strong to face it..
My wish tat i want.. im still holding tight on it..
Since i cnt gip up now.. maybe this is also the challenge tat i have to face..
No matter wat im willing to take the risk even when there is risk in the end..
Time Check:12.10am
Currently cleaning hanne on my nail..
Many thihs did happen right?? When it comes to holiday.. new things wil appear each day..
Unexpecting things..
GOOD to BAD.. BAD to GOOD..&& sum will just stay as they are (:
Sometimes it hurts to see them change and sometimes happy..
For once how i wish my life can be the way i want it to be..
But im not GOD to create my life.. Isn't that true?
I read Su's post.. must be happy to get wat u want right? (:
As for me.. things did change a bit.. but im happier this way.. and dun wish to hurt the
people around me.. JUST ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM (:
The Pain in my hurt no one knows accept HYM(GOD)..
But im determined tat i can go thru this challenge no matter how hard it is..
me getting sick..me not getting wat i want..&& me feeling lonely..
This are the challenges tat i face..
But i have to be strong to face it..
My wish tat i want.. im still holding tight on it..
Since i cnt gip up now.. maybe this is also the challenge tat i have to face..
No matter wat im willing to take the risk even when there is risk in the end..
Time Check:12.10am