Friday, December 4, 2009, 3:07 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey readers,,
So many things did happen last night.. haha.. At around 11pm..
Kekek sey semalam (:
We the YSS students wwere so bores so we add ppl to a cnvo..
There's sapnaa but she left around 5 min later..
Me add NIK.. haha and he entertain them.. i was like superb blur wen they tok..
Den Naz was added.. the cool tings is the guys use RED FONTS..
Striking uh.. (:
Den ju was left out so she use the CAPS to get our attention.. haha
After around 11.30pm Nat left n Nik left n Naz left..
So its left with me , shak n ju..
chat with them.. laugh2..
Den open up another convo with me, ju, khai and ahmad..
Mad was like quiet all along..
Den suddemly left the convo
Thx to khai Mad was dragged into the convo.. and KECOH began..
So they tok2.. i was so fed up i MRAJOK (:
Didn't sae a sgl ting till ju msn me..
So da kecoh da aru strt plan.. all was a last min plan wen i was like DAMN tired and nid my sleep..
I was like "CPT LAR!" "AKU NK TDO NIE DA PNT!"
Thx to mad he make it work out (:
He said- 'cpt la plan iffah nk tdo tu'
So SWIT (: hehe..
So it was all plan haha.. seme suro ahmad plan.. the time the place ALL(EVERITING!) (:
B4 i forget..
Shak gave me a name (:
IHUA!!!! nice kan..
&& thx to khai he spoilt it.. ha said- IHUA stands for (I HEART U, AHMAD)
Wth kan..
Argh! da la smlm ada org spoilt mood aku.. haix..
But.. its quite cool the name IHUA.. so nice the name (:
On9 at night again to night (:
P.S.: i miss you (:
So many things did happen last night.. haha.. At around 11pm..
Kekek sey semalam (:
We the YSS students wwere so bores so we add ppl to a cnvo..
There's sapnaa but she left around 5 min later..
Me add NIK.. haha and he entertain them.. i was like superb blur wen they tok..
Den Naz was added.. the cool tings is the guys use RED FONTS..
Striking uh.. (:
Den ju was left out so she use the CAPS to get our attention.. haha
After around 11.30pm Nat left n Nik left n Naz left..
So its left with me , shak n ju..
chat with them.. laugh2..
Den open up another convo with me, ju, khai and ahmad..
Mad was like quiet all along..
Den suddemly left the convo
Thx to khai Mad was dragged into the convo.. and KECOH began..
So they tok2.. i was so fed up i MRAJOK (:
Didn't sae a sgl ting till ju msn me..
So da kecoh da aru strt plan.. all was a last min plan wen i was like DAMN tired and nid my sleep..
I was like "CPT LAR!" "AKU NK TDO NIE DA PNT!"
Thx to mad he make it work out (:
He said- 'cpt la plan iffah nk tdo tu'
So SWIT (: hehe..
So it was all plan haha.. seme suro ahmad plan.. the time the place ALL(EVERITING!) (:
B4 i forget..
Shak gave me a name (:
IHUA!!!! nice kan..
&& thx to khai he spoilt it.. ha said- IHUA stands for (I HEART U, AHMAD)
Wth kan..
Argh! da la smlm ada org spoilt mood aku.. haix..
But.. its quite cool the name IHUA.. so nice the name (:
On9 at night again to night (:
P.S.: i miss you (: