Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 1:01 PM

My uncle and aunties

My cousins (mum's side)
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
hahaha.. went to DMK
Saw a pumps cosing 20.. n its nice.. (:
Saw a pumps cosing 20.. n its nice.. (:
Its black in colour (:
My uncle and aunties
My cousins (mum's side)
Currently chatting with Nat..
Its raining and im not sure if the outing jadik ke tk..
Ahmad on9 =.= ...
Malas nk entertain.. hehe..
rather update this blog.. cos i have not update it for the last 2 daes ):
been busy and reallie sick.. but im getting better (:
Only the redness on my face not HILANG yet..
Cos of the heat inside my body is hot.. Nnt kene bali air badak ):
Hmmm... later i buy..
Just ate my medicine but vomit it out.. not sure why..
So didn't eat the antibiotics but ate the swelling medicine (:
at night den i will eat the antibiotics.. ):
Malas nk check HP.. hehe..
Mum is not home yet.. not sure where she went to.. hehe.. got to go (: