Friday, December 11, 2009, 9:04 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey readers,,
Guess wat! i already type everything out den out of a sudden it refresh..
Den i have to retype it =.=
So nik finished skul today.. Nizam da lamer tutop..
Sue and Hafix is nxt mndae.. I wanna kne how it feels like to be in poly
Hoping tat i get to poly * praying hard..
So chatting with fizah now (:
Msn with Fizah about JACOB's body (:
Haha.. toking about how hot it is ((:
I have no idea wat to update..
Mum said on mndae we will be going to CHANGI AIRPORT..
Since kakak finish skul oreadie...
Nxt mnth she strt work.. den left me and dayat skuling ):
Planning to watch Avatar nxt mnth (:
Best tau the crite (:
Exciting gler.. i love it !!!
Told ama about it.. den she say ok..
hahaha... sis just return.. and he wans to use inai.. haha.. me oso.. but maybe later..
Me getting better.. hehe.. 90% sihat (:
haha... faizah ask me to update about A but nnt ada org jealous pulak..
KK i update about hym abit (:
So yesterdae i txted hym.. since i was bored.. niari tk bab case malas nk msg (: hehe
Den we were toking about tuition.. out of a sudden he mSg me..
"bla3... plus xtra service"
I was like wth.. wat was tat supposed to mean?
Hehehe.. kdg2 malas aku nk lyn this feeling i will ignore it n do other stuff.. HEEE (:
I tink tats all for now (:
Guess wat! i already type everything out den out of a sudden it refresh..
Den i have to retype it =.=
So nik finished skul today.. Nizam da lamer tutop..
Sue and Hafix is nxt mndae.. I wanna kne how it feels like to be in poly
Hoping tat i get to poly * praying hard..
So chatting with fizah now (:
Msn with Fizah about JACOB's body (:
Haha.. toking about how hot it is ((:
I have no idea wat to update..
Mum said on mndae we will be going to CHANGI AIRPORT..
Since kakak finish skul oreadie...
Nxt mnth she strt work.. den left me and dayat skuling ):
Planning to watch Avatar nxt mnth (:
Best tau the crite (:
Exciting gler.. i love it !!!
Told ama about it.. den she say ok..
hahaha... sis just return.. and he wans to use inai.. haha.. me oso.. but maybe later..
Me getting better.. hehe.. 90% sihat (:
haha... faizah ask me to update about A but nnt ada org jealous pulak..
KK i update about hym abit (:
So yesterdae i txted hym.. since i was bored.. niari tk bab case malas nk msg (: hehe
Den we were toking about tuition.. out of a sudden he mSg me..
"bla3... plus xtra service"
I was like wth.. wat was tat supposed to mean?
Hehehe.. kdg2 malas aku nk lyn this feeling i will ignore it n do other stuff.. HEEE (:
I tink tats all for now (: