Sunday, March 7, 2010, 5:28 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
I'm currently damn bored..
My backbone is still in pain but not as bad as in the morning..
Much more better after a long sleep i had just now..
Mum just got home from a wedding invitation..
Roy also didn't turn up for work..
Not sure why..
Hmm... Wondering if Reen did go work..
Played cake maniac just now to kill the time (:
Hubby is still not back in Singapore yet..
I'm hoping he will be back soon..
So i can chat with him & kill my boredom..
Damn! Today is so hot..
Not sure why the atmosphere or weather seems to be so hot nowadays..
Oh yeah i need to prepare my lesson for tomorrow..
Tomorrow i'm not going out..
Still need some rest..
Hoping that my backbone will be okey by tomorrow..
I so can't bear the pain..