Friday, February 26, 2010, 11:24 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
I'm home.. I know it's kind of late..
Hahaha But mum know where exactly i am just now (:
Did had conflict with Hubby just now while on the way home..
Shouldn't elaborate more on it..
But we are fine now..
Tomorrow end at 9pm.. Hubby plan to fetch me but not sure if he could make it (:
Zandra is doing fine.. Getting better only that just now at work she fell & now her hand is swollen..
Me & Roy did bar just now.. NICE! (:
I'm the drink server & she is bar..
Did have a lot of fun with Winnie, Lulu & Tina (:
Laughing & chatting..
We ended at 5pm & Tina & Lulu took over..
They we asking us to leave early as they don't know what to do.. Hahaha..
Hahahaha.. Funny them.. (: