Sunday, March 7, 2010, 1:01 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
I'm so damn lethargic ):
Lucky tomorrow is the last day of work then i can get my sufficient rest for 4 days (:
Work was extremely bad ):
Only i know how it feels..
Went to accompany Reen to find her PS3 HeavyRain game..
Chatting with Nik right now..
AS you can see I have made my blog public (:
Hehehe (:
Told Hyatt all th school stuff that have to be done..
Tues have to head down to RP ):
Just now went to challenger saw the laptop at $1599 only
& its HP Pavillion
Superb flambouyant..(:
Isit the correct spelling?
I know my spelling sucks (:
Gtg need some rest
Nite SWIT HEARTS (: (: