Iffah Ihua's Story♥ | |
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Cousins Adie Hafizah Shakinah Sulastri YSS Ain Ainur Natasha Amalina Ayoo Dini Hafidz Julaika Muzaqqir Sapnaa WorkMate Reen Rikiko Rikiko Rikiko Memory
Hey blog..How are you?I hope your fine..I'm 17 fin...
I'm so sleepy ):Haix.. Went to watch TV just now..... currenlty damn tired..had to go back to school to... I'm super bored..Alone at home again..Dad is at wo... Hoping To Last (: I totally miss this guy (:He make my day..But at t... As you can see it's already Monday & i'm still not... I'm currently damn bored..My backbone is still in... Currently playing Hidayat's cafe world..Didn't man... I'm so damn lethargic ):Lucky tomorrow is the last... Credits