Monday, February 8, 2010, 9:35 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog..
Yesterday at work there's a lot of happening..
One is the STUPID customer & the other one is the TWO ASSHOLES!
But for the two assholes i only hate one of them..
As for the customer,,
Get a life la sey! We won't eat your food we are eating our stuff meal ok!
We don't have time to entertain your complains..
FYI.. Your hungry so do we.. You never show us respect for what we what to show you our respect..(STUPID CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS WRONG!)
Better get a life & wake up!
So whatever to that STUPID customer..
I'm going to get ready at 1.30pm.. Since im going out at 2.30 cause i will be meeting hubby later! (:
He said- One day of not meeting is like a 1 week of not meeting.. & 1 week of not meeting is like 1 month of not meeting..
So cute.. Hehehe ((: ((:
So hubby change his number at last.. HAHAHA!!!
Going bugis to do shopping! it's been ages since i did my shopping..
As for the next pay i will need to save some since on the 14 march we as a family will be going out.. it's been like 2 months i've not went out with my family due to work ):
Now i'm downloading songs to my memory card and my mp3.. Hehehe..