Monday, January 11, 2010, 11:21 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog,,
Just wanna update about my result day..
Its was OKEY..
Not that good but i'm still proud of myself cause i got the points..
At least i did my best i got 24 (:
Still applicable to go to poly (:
So like what i expected almost all my choices are pharmacy n sciences (:
I got my result and i criead at first but mum scolded me for crying.. haha..
So i stop crying.. hehehe
At least mum understand how i feel (:
At 9pm just now,, applied online and have already submited my choices..
Still waiting for the result for school..
So everyone is happy with my result.. SO AM I!!!!!
Gtg.. (: tc
Just wanna update about my result day..
Its was OKEY..
Not that good but i'm still proud of myself cause i got the points..
At least i did my best i got 24 (:
Still applicable to go to poly (:
So like what i expected almost all my choices are pharmacy n sciences (:
I got my result and i criead at first but mum scolded me for crying.. haha..
So i stop crying.. hehehe
At least mum understand how i feel (:
At 9pm just now,, applied online and have already submited my choices..
Still waiting for the result for school..
So everyone is happy with my result.. SO AM I!!!!!
Gtg.. (: tc