Sunday, January 3, 2010, 10:32 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog,,
How have you been? Must a fun day for you..
Hehe.. I'm kind of having a hard tyme right now..
With work,tuition and even my own space of tyme..
Haix.. how i wish i can be alone walking at town..
Going shopping on my own where no one can stop me from shopping..
As pernrmal reach late yesterday from work..
Took taxi.. i hope today will be home fast and can sleep..
Since tomorrow is my offf day..
Yesterday work was not tat okey due to some reason..
Today taking jab at Tampines.. I hope its not painful..
WHile preparing for work yesterday..
A txted me.. so i was kind of like NOT IN THE TYME TO MSG..
So i txt hym a quick msg and buzz of to get ready for work..
Phone kept on ringing but i ignore it..
So to everyone.. While im getting ready for work please hold on to ur msges (:
After getting ready for work..Texted A for a while.. then off to start my shift (:
I'm sorry but i'm very busy this few days.. i hope you understand my situation..
I've makde up my choice to be happy no matter what happens..
I don't wanna be a sad gurl where there's no smile on my face..
I'm not that person that you've guys have seen before..
When there's hurt in me, please don't worry about it..
I'm the one going through it..
I don't want the people around me to be affected..
& to that someone..
I kne its shocking for you to received that msg.. but i kne its better that we are frens..
& i don't want that msg to affect our friendship..
I kne where i stand.. So let it be that way.. I kne there's sumone else in your heart im really sowie to interfere in..
So i hope you just forget about that msg.. (:
Don't worry i'm happy the way i am (:
Staying friends is better right? (:
P.S.: Only I know how it feels..I don't wish to go through it again.. im sorry ):
How have you been? Must a fun day for you..
Hehe.. I'm kind of having a hard tyme right now..
With work,tuition and even my own space of tyme..
Haix.. how i wish i can be alone walking at town..
Going shopping on my own where no one can stop me from shopping..
As pernrmal reach late yesterday from work..
Took taxi.. i hope today will be home fast and can sleep..
Since tomorrow is my offf day..
Yesterday work was not tat okey due to some reason..
Today taking jab at Tampines.. I hope its not painful..
WHile preparing for work yesterday..
A txted me.. so i was kind of like NOT IN THE TYME TO MSG..
So i txt hym a quick msg and buzz of to get ready for work..
Phone kept on ringing but i ignore it..
So to everyone.. While im getting ready for work please hold on to ur msges (:
After getting ready for work..Texted A for a while.. then off to start my shift (:
I'm sorry but i'm very busy this few days.. i hope you understand my situation..
I've makde up my choice to be happy no matter what happens..
I don't wanna be a sad gurl where there's no smile on my face..
I'm not that person that you've guys have seen before..
When there's hurt in me, please don't worry about it..
I'm the one going through it..
I don't want the people around me to be affected..
& to that someone..
I kne its shocking for you to received that msg.. but i kne its better that we are frens..
& i don't want that msg to affect our friendship..
I kne where i stand.. So let it be that way.. I kne there's sumone else in your heart im really sowie to interfere in..
So i hope you just forget about that msg.. (:
Don't worry i'm happy the way i am (:
Staying friends is better right? (:
P.S.: Only I know how it feels..I don't wish to go through it again.. im sorry ):