Monday, January 11, 2010, 12:49 AM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey blog.. so here i am..
Blogging late at this hour..
Today is the day!!!
But whatever the result is.. all i know is that i did my 110% very best.. (:
I'm still praying hard that it will be <15 points..
Another 13 hours to go (:
But the thing is i'm not that scared but i'm kind of abit confident (:
But cannot melebihkan.. hehehe
Nnt ada balasan nyer..
Btw sorry for not updating for like 2 days..
I've been busy lately.. Friday had to extend work till 10pm..
So didn't manage to update my blog.. Saded ):
Now its late at night n i'm still in my work uniform but still have not change..
Ok.. My mum just came out of the room to chech what we are doing.. hehe
Work was ok.. Quite fun..
Abit boring ): Got to know Faizal..
An old worker over there..
Old as in not age but the duration of the work month..
Hehe.. He was online just now but his comp lack so he said anything txt hym..
Haha.. case da giler..
He kept disturbing me at work.. then borrowed my pen to take order..
Then while doing closing.. last2 part he help out..
Hmm.. then Faiz came to work.. His gurl dtg tmpat keje to eat..
Didn't saw her face (:
Gtg blog.. tc (:
Blogging late at this hour..
Today is the day!!!
But whatever the result is.. all i know is that i did my 110% very best.. (:
I'm still praying hard that it will be <15 points..
Another 13 hours to go (:
But the thing is i'm not that scared but i'm kind of abit confident (:
But cannot melebihkan.. hehehe
Nnt ada balasan nyer..
Btw sorry for not updating for like 2 days..
I've been busy lately.. Friday had to extend work till 10pm..
So didn't manage to update my blog.. Saded ):
Now its late at night n i'm still in my work uniform but still have not change..
Ok.. My mum just came out of the room to chech what we are doing.. hehe
Work was ok.. Quite fun..
Abit boring ): Got to know Faizal..
An old worker over there..
Old as in not age but the duration of the work month..
Hehe.. He was online just now but his comp lack so he said anything txt hym..
Haha.. case da giler..
He kept disturbing me at work.. then borrowed my pen to take order..
Then while doing closing.. last2 part he help out..
Hmm.. then Faiz came to work.. His gurl dtg tmpat keje to eat..
Didn't saw her face (:
Gtg blog.. tc (: