Sunday, December 27, 2009, 1:00 PM
Having a fun time taking lots of pix! (:
This picture is my favourite!!!! (:
Okey.. Here's the thing..
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
So as you can see.. me,family went to sentosa on 25 December 2009 which is Christmas day (:
Despite of the crowd.. Did have lots of fun with my cousin INAH!..
Woke up at 8.00 am plus.. Leave the house exact at 11.00am (:
Haha.. More pix on facebook (:
After heading to Sentosa..
Went to eat at BANQUET near Vivocity..
Not forgetting i did my SHOPPING!!
Got my birthay present from Abg Lan in advance!! A T-shirt!!! (:
Den went to find my pumps.. BUT! Mahal n not my type ):
Till now still finding my pumps.. haix ):
Yesterday,, head to GEYLANG to buy mum's stuff..
Obviously ANGLIA (:
I wanted to buy tapi ibu tk kasi ):
Sedih sey ):
Walk2 at JOO CHIAT find my pumps..
But no size.. WTH kan!! I was quite pissed off ):
After buying mum's stuff we head down to BUGIS.. to buy dad's watch..
&& went to find my pumps.. TAPI!!! tkder size again.. * showing the look to mum*
& ouh yeah.. we went to geylang n its was raining heavily went to buy umbrella and my Compact powder (:
Only cost $11..
DAD: Mahal nyer! Tkley beli yg murah2 jek ke?
ME: Nak cantik pe.. bab tu adik beli (:
MUM: Pompan mmg beli barang mahal2 tkley tipu (:
Dad was showing the face to me & mum..
Hahaha.. Kekek (:
I went to buy cmpact cos on Friday.. My cmpact fell and broke into pieces.. ):
At Vivo sumore.. Inah was standing beside me and laughing..
At Vivo sumore.. Inah was standing beside me and laughing..
I was like WTH!! IT BROKE ):
Haha.. But its okey.. Got a new one.. And its SILKYGIRL (:
Okey.. Here's the thing..
People are acting weird towards me.. Which is A & Reduwan..
&& its is superb damn weird especially A..
Haha.. I have no idea what is on his mind..
But whatever its is.. Im still being me.. And i like the way i am..
Txted A but tk reply..
And DAMN msg hym at the wrong timing.. OUH SHIT!!!
Still no call ):
Haix.. Had fever yesterday.. And yup! sick again..
But now im fine (: Only coughing..
My throat is dry ):
Heading down to Bottle Tree Village later...
Still not sure if we will be going for the fish spa.. I hope we are going cause i really need to relax my mind ):
Awrite that's all (: