Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 8:47 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey readers,,
Currently sitting in front of the computer updting this blog of mine (:
Went to teach tuition just now..
Went there with Fizah since she have to take something from Mak Busu house..
Teach..teach..teach... then eat.. chit-chat.. Watch TV (:
It was fun (: haha.. At least it brings me happiness rather than sadness right?
Reach home at around 6.45pm..
Quickly took out 'KAU TETAP DI HATI' and started reading non-stop..hehe
Borrowed anothe book from Mak Busu title 'Doa-Doa Cinta'
Haha.. case tgh jiwang babe/bro (:
Went on9 using mobile.. & Hazim told me he saw me yesterday..
WTH kan.. i didn't saw them.. SHIT LA! haha
Why didn't they say hi to me?? Apa la! HAHAHAHA!!!
Then chat with khai about his phone =.=
Still blom bayar bill.. so cannot contact hym..
Me and ju decided not to go for their Chalet due to personal reason respectively..
It will just make the feeling worst.. Told nizam about it..
I hope he understands..
Otw home DAMN many people in the train..
So have to squeeze in ): haha..
Till reached SEMBAWANG ): rabak kan! ):
Aku da malas nk layan kau.. kau tk layan aku pon aku tak pasal..
Apa aku hanta msg semalam kat kau and kat forward kat aku alek.. aku rase sedih..
Memang aku sedih tapi nk difikirkan aku happy uh..
Aku rase yg aku lebih bahagia sekarang.. kau tak perlu tahu sape kat hati aku.. Sebab kat hati aku tak ada sesiapa.. Aku repeat! TAK ADA SESIAPA!!
Aku da malas nk love2 nie.. sebab aku takut sakit hati..
Unless ada org nk cube and betol2 jujur.. Tapi belum tentu org tu akan tibe dlm masa yg singkat nie..
Aku nk enjoy sekarang.. aku da sedar yg.. cinta is not the only thing you need in lyfe..
LOVE tapi tkder kebahagian untok apa..
I wana love to cum slowly and not rushing..
Kau da bebas untok uat apa yang kau nak.. aku tak kan halang kau dlm apa saje yg kau nk uat..
Aku rase aku da cukop kene hurt dengan lelaki uat mase sekarang..
Aku nak single annd be happy go lucky until the MR RIGHT arrive (:
Love: IFFAH (:
Currently sitting in front of the computer updting this blog of mine (:
Went to teach tuition just now..
Went there with Fizah since she have to take something from Mak Busu house..
Teach..teach..teach... then eat.. chit-chat.. Watch TV (:
It was fun (: haha.. At least it brings me happiness rather than sadness right?
Reach home at around 6.45pm..
Quickly took out 'KAU TETAP DI HATI' and started reading non-stop..hehe
Borrowed anothe book from Mak Busu title 'Doa-Doa Cinta'
Haha.. case tgh jiwang babe/bro (:
Went on9 using mobile.. & Hazim told me he saw me yesterday..
WTH kan.. i didn't saw them.. SHIT LA! haha
Why didn't they say hi to me?? Apa la! HAHAHAHA!!!
Then chat with khai about his phone =.=
Still blom bayar bill.. so cannot contact hym..
Me and ju decided not to go for their Chalet due to personal reason respectively..
It will just make the feeling worst.. Told nizam about it..
I hope he understands..
Otw home DAMN many people in the train..
So have to squeeze in ): haha..
Till reached SEMBAWANG ): rabak kan! ):
Aku da malas nk layan kau.. kau tk layan aku pon aku tak pasal..
Apa aku hanta msg semalam kat kau and kat forward kat aku alek.. aku rase sedih..
Memang aku sedih tapi nk difikirkan aku happy uh..
Aku rase yg aku lebih bahagia sekarang.. kau tak perlu tahu sape kat hati aku.. Sebab kat hati aku tak ada sesiapa.. Aku repeat! TAK ADA SESIAPA!!
Aku da malas nk love2 nie.. sebab aku takut sakit hati..
Unless ada org nk cube and betol2 jujur.. Tapi belum tentu org tu akan tibe dlm masa yg singkat nie..
Aku nk enjoy sekarang.. aku da sedar yg.. cinta is not the only thing you need in lyfe..
LOVE tapi tkder kebahagian untok apa..
I wana love to cum slowly and not rushing..
Kau da bebas untok uat apa yang kau nak.. aku tak kan halang kau dlm apa saje yg kau nk uat..
Aku rase aku da cukop kene hurt dengan lelaki uat mase sekarang..
Aku nak single annd be happy go lucky until the MR RIGHT arrive (:
Love: IFFAH (: