Saturday, November 21, 2009, 8:01 PM
MY PHONE (: (sample only..hehe)
the colour tat dad ask me to take but i didn't took it since the colur grey is so ____. (:
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru

i so love the white colour (:
Hey readers..

Now im in my room.. with my noisy brother sing.. haha..
At 12pm just now..my sis, me && my brotjher went to the net using our respective phone's except me.. hehe.. since i dun have ani wireless internet.. haha
At 12pm just now..my sis, me && my brotjher went to the net using our respective phone's except me.. hehe.. since i dun have ani wireless internet.. haha
I used my dad phone's which is the LG JOY(:.. haha.. play the net..
I went to facebook.. msn n blogger... BUT! en i wana post me diary for today it could not b type.. like WTH.. haha
But watever.. i can still update my blog using the computer (:
Yesterdae was okey.. hang out wit ***,***,***,***..
Haha.. laugh3.. talk about work n naik pangkat stuff..
Everi time went they open the topic about work.. i just feel like running away n not listen to a thing at all..
Im just not in the mood to talk about work since i have difficulties finding work ):
At first hubby was not happy with me finding work at tamp.. but i show hym an unhappy face.. n he agreed to it (:.. hehe.. love you..
Went home at 10.30pm.. reached home at 11.30pm(:..
Sis kept msging me reminding me to buy for her fries.. haha.. while hanging out sis msg me asking about hubby.. like- HOW WAS HE? IS HE OKEY?
I ask hubby to reply && he have some difficult using my phone.. haha.. kekek! haha.. but he manage to get cntrl of hym.. haha
I shall ask hym to get a line nxt mnth so tat i cn cntct hym since the line is unlimited msges.. (:
Currently still waiting for tuesday.. for the work tingy..
At around 3pm helped mum with the 'CADAR'.. Asked her if i can borrow some of her $$ to buy my hair cream for prom.. just a small 1.. but she got angry and said.. "kecik nyer jek uar pe stakat 1 dae jek".. n i told her-" okey la.. adik bli yg besar nyer skali so bler jln2 ley gune jgk"..
and she said ok.. haha.. so cute..
So im getting my cream by this week.. n pay her bck by nxt tues (:
Hubby pp8 low ):.. its veri hard to cntct hym.. ): and his working tommorow..
Sister not at home.. he went out with Khai to.. idk where.. haha..
Mum prefer tis 1 den the old 1.. haha.. so weird.. hehe (:
Mum is watching the news now.. at SURIa.. and im also supposed to be watching to but its okey since dad is buy the newspapers tommorow.. i will end up reading the news rather den watching it..
Bro using my samsung earpiece witout me knowing.. **showing hym the face**
Finding pics to be upload in this blog.. haha.. my phones pix sample
Reallie love my phone (: muakx..
&& about promm.. giving me a headache..
Still wandering where to get $$.. haha nvr mnd.. i shall ask mum for some $$ like $5 at least just in case i nid it..
Going home with Iqah taking the MRT.. planning to ask khai n sis to take me.. sis said see how 1st.. tot tat they will be taking by car.. but we'll see if khai's dad is working.. haha.. but any alternative of reaching home is fine with me..
Trying to uplaod pix now.. (:.. and wondering wat i shall do nxt.. hehe (:
Its takign for hours to progress... hmm.. ** showing an unhappy face**
AW!! the malay show has just started.. i shall cntinue later (:..
okey.. so im bck (:
it's a 60 min show.. about family
DIVORCE and stuff.. noe chatting with Shika.. she planing to get samsung preston also..
haha.. she planing to get the phone oni.. But its definitely expensive.. ):
Tok ther num.. haha.. she got my oni cntct from wellington.. haha.... i tink i sign of first..
TIME CHECK: 09.47pm