Saturday, October 3, 2009, 3:34 PM

Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru

hey readers..
i just finish looking for my new blogskin..
i just finish looking for my new blogskin..
kind of bored today.. aniwae do you know tat there's a lot of earthquakes recently..
im so scared of it.. the funny thing is.. i dun feel the ground shaking but my ex-tutor feels it..
weird uh.. im now in my room not knowing what to do.. haha..i switch off my phone (:
very lazy wanna reply all the msges.. Quite irritating u kne.. hehe..
o2 OCTOBER 2009
Went for raye with khai's frens.. all are okey.. haha..
i kind of feel weird.. haha.. the gurls all came late.. had to wait for them..
waited around 30-60 minutes which is equal to half or one hour..
while at one of their frens hse, nizam took pic of ahmad.. the pic was SUPERB.. haha..
its was a nice pose and shoot.. hahaha.. to bad i didnt have tat photo.. haha..
if not i can uplaod it here.. half wae thru the raye.. hafix and sum gangs had to settle
sum problems so we went our separate waes.. didnt met hafix after tat.. not sure wat hppn..
haha.. and romie sae IM A KAMPONG GURL? haha.. can't deny tat.. haha.. its true..
a typical kampong gurl.. hehe.. (:
Overall it was great the gurls were friendly.. hope to meet them again soon.. haha
WHICH is after my O lvl.. haha.. and tats a long time.. haha..
khai kept staring at me.. haha.. he is so weird.. haha.. tgk uh.. guy saper.. hahaha
now uploading the images.. haha
hidayat is sleeping in my room.. haha.. he was waiting for me to goreng his ROTI TELUR..
maybe later i will do it..
i nid to go shopping!!!! and its a must.. no one can stop me!..
P.S. : the class photo tat i ask shak to send me (: