Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 2:53 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
hey readers..
Currently doing nothing at home..
Sleep, eat, getting sick, watch TV and going out with family (:
And not forgetting msging HYM <3
Mum is currently on the phone.. my sister is sleeping since she's working nite.. from 9pm-7am..
creepy hospital.. hahaha.. joking.. Im king\d of getting irritated by some people attitude when they go over board..
Its like as if they du not understand simple english and malay.. OMG.. do i have to teach them?
They are after all O lvl student.. they shud understand.. diyanah (: thx for being there went i nid someone.. and also the rest of my frens..
I kne tat you got the job n i got it too.. but i cant okey.. how many times do i have to keep repeating tat sentence..
You will better understand it if you are reallie in my situation.. && i wan you to reallie tink it thru b4 posting aniting tat realie irritates me.. you tink i can bear with it.. im sowie but i cant..
You may wan to sae aniting to me.. but you better tink if the job ur at is worth it or not.. if u do not have interest in it.. n the fuction ****s..
There are better job opportunities out there.. but if u tink its worth den its good for you.. i dun wan to emphasise on this IDIOTIC thing but you make me do it..
WATEVER.. Not in the mood to tok about thins ting...
16 Nov 2009:
Me, Diyanah & Roy went to Tampines for a job interview..(:
Reached there at around 3.15pm.. walk, walk, walk.. accompany Diyanah to have her meal..
Which is at FOOD CULTURE.. found a sit.. sat there talk3 with roy.. while diyanah buy her food..
When she return she said: 'dini keje kat sini.. there she is'
Dini wave at us.. wait for diyanah to eat.. den head dwn to pizza hut.. ask for interview..
Saw my cousin.. Smile(: haha..
Den to bored to head home 1st.. we went to watson.. Roy bought a hair dye.. haha.. choosing the diff colours..
Walk to the bus interchange.. Lots of ppl Qing up.. haha.. had no choice but to just join in..
I got to go.. maybe at ight ui shall update again..
Currently doing nothing at home..
Sleep, eat, getting sick, watch TV and going out with family (:
And not forgetting msging HYM <3
Mum is currently on the phone.. my sister is sleeping since she's working nite.. from 9pm-7am..
creepy hospital.. hahaha.. joking.. Im king\d of getting irritated by some people attitude when they go over board..
Its like as if they du not understand simple english and malay.. OMG.. do i have to teach them?
They are after all O lvl student.. they shud understand.. diyanah (: thx for being there went i nid someone.. and also the rest of my frens..
I kne tat you got the job n i got it too.. but i cant okey.. how many times do i have to keep repeating tat sentence..
You will better understand it if you are reallie in my situation.. && i wan you to reallie tink it thru b4 posting aniting tat realie irritates me.. you tink i can bear with it.. im sowie but i cant..
You may wan to sae aniting to me.. but you better tink if the job ur at is worth it or not.. if u do not have interest in it.. n the fuction ****s..
There are better job opportunities out there.. but if u tink its worth den its good for you.. i dun wan to emphasise on this IDIOTIC thing but you make me do it..
WATEVER.. Not in the mood to tok about thins ting...
16 Nov 2009:
Me, Diyanah & Roy went to Tampines for a job interview..(:
Reached there at around 3.15pm.. walk, walk, walk.. accompany Diyanah to have her meal..
Which is at FOOD CULTURE.. found a sit.. sat there talk3 with roy.. while diyanah buy her food..
When she return she said: 'dini keje kat sini.. there she is'
Dini wave at us.. wait for diyanah to eat.. den head dwn to pizza hut.. ask for interview..
Saw my cousin.. Smile(: haha..
Den to bored to head home 1st.. we went to watson.. Roy bought a hair dye.. haha.. choosing the diff colours..
Walk to the bus interchange.. Lots of ppl Qing up.. haha.. had no choice but to just join in..
I got to go.. maybe at ight ui shall update again..