Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:44 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Me, Ama, Iqah took a photo before going our separate ways.. Just a quick photo.. 

Me, Ama and Hyatt went to the YISHUN library to study/ do our homework.. As usual, i borrowed a book to read.. The 2 books that i borrowed that time, i manage to finish reading it in 4-5 days.. i was so engrossed in it.. To bad shak did came to school.. To bad she have to miss this shot..

Me, Ama and Hyatt went to the YISHUN library to study/ do our homework.. As usual, i borrowed a book to read.. The 2 books that i borrowed that time, i manage to finish reading it in 4-5 days.. i was so engrossed in it.. To bad shak did came to school.. To bad she have to miss this shot..

Hyatt was listening to her MP3, i snap a shot of her trying to be like the singer.. NICE POSE HYATT!!!
Early in the morning, it rain.. i had no choice but to bring an umbrella.. i look as if im an AUNTY! Hahaha.. But i still look CUTE! Hahaha.. reach school a bit late becuse i missed 1 bus.. It was raining heavily.. so i had no choice..Hahaha.. class? urmm..
as pernormal.. Got my chem test result.. n its really is devastating.. i have study so hard but manage to only get 13 out of 25.. i know its bad.. i was really disappointed in myself.. I WILL MAKE SURE THE PREL:IM PAPER I WILL DO BETTER!
that's my aim after all.. reach home around 5.00pm.. do my AMATHS homework( kind of)
and did the SS test.. wow.. the most amazing thing is that i really followed what Mr tan said.. that is to spent 50 min for the test.. haha.. I use my HP to time myself.. i manage to complete it before the the ending time.. BUT.. it was hard.. its hard to score for SBQ.. im seriously not good in it..
Yesterday, i msg BH.. he got angry with my reaction.. when i ask him if he is still angry.. He say NO.. but i feel as if he is still angry at me.. now its 7.20pm.. BH is still at work.. He finish work at 8pm.. i really hope he is not angry at me..
Hey.. im really sorry.. i will give u a chance.. i have think it through.. i will give you the chance.. but gip me a bit more time ok? I know your not happy will my decision.. but please.. i hope you understand.. i know how you feel.. im trying my best.. anything you can msg and tell me k..tc..bye...
i really feel bad.. i hope i didn't affect his work..
Anyway.. tomorrow is THURSDAY! haha.. Can wake up a bit later..
After school.. need to mit Hidayat to return his book.. thz to him.. i really prepared myself well for the O level malay paper 1 & 2..
I think thats all for today.. tomorrow i ight update again if im not busy.. Because there's an AMATHS test on FRIDAY!