Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:55 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
hey people..
im sorry if i've not been pudating for so long..
aniwae..i knoe that its the holiday period..but not for me..
since im sitting for my O level paper thos year..
there's extra class almost everyday..
On tuesday was SCIENCE lesson..
On wednesday was also SCIENCE lesson..
& today was ENGLISH lesson..
not forgetting tomorrow..
its MATHS lesson..
im glad that it's gonna start at 9.30 am..
hahaha.. to bad to the POA student they are required to be in school by 8am..
its been a tiring week for me..
& i've not been studying for 2 days..
argh!! no matter what..im gonna study tomorrow..
i can't afford to slack..
lyfe is si miserable..anyway..haha..
i learnt new vocabulary..that is Unprecedented..
i know my ENGLISH suck like H*LL..
haha..k..i think i got to go..
see you people again..
im sorry if i've not been pudating for so long..
aniwae..i knoe that its the holiday period..but not for me..
since im sitting for my O level paper thos year..
there's extra class almost everyday..
On tuesday was SCIENCE lesson..
On wednesday was also SCIENCE lesson..
& today was ENGLISH lesson..
not forgetting tomorrow..
its MATHS lesson..
im glad that it's gonna start at 9.30 am..
hahaha.. to bad to the POA student they are required to be in school by 8am..
its been a tiring week for me..
& i've not been studying for 2 days..
argh!! no matter what..im gonna study tomorrow..
i can't afford to slack..
lyfe is si miserable..anyway..haha..
i learnt new vocabulary..that is Unprecedented..
i know my ENGLISH suck like H*LL..
haha..k..i think i got to go..
see you people again..