Friday, July 24, 2009, 5:27 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
Hey bloggers,
how have you been? its been a long time since i update my blog.. hope u understand my lyfe and also my workand etc. Its Saturday tomorrow. Hmm.. only 5 of my brain working and i am feel exhausted. I just updated my post with Zi hao on facebook. OMG! There were so many absenties in my class yesterday. Hmm? wandering what might have happen.
24 JULY 2009
Woke up at 6.10am and getting ready to haed for school. DAMN! it rained but im lucky cause it was drizzling only. Reach scholl late due to the late transport.
Ama start her 'KECOH'. hehe. The whole class took the temperature together. Too bad for ayu, she had to go home because she had a temperature of 39.1. Hoping that sehe will be alright. for malay class we playhang-man with CIKGU LIYANA.. so cute of her to give us such easy words. then we were given TIRAMISU choc.. WOW! it's superb tasty.. Wanderin where she bought it?? HMM..........
Sorry bloggers.. i Got To go..due take care of yourself k!
how have you been? its been a long time since i update my blog.. hope u understand my lyfe and also my workand etc. Its Saturday tomorrow. Hmm.. only 5 of my brain working and i am feel exhausted. I just updated my post with Zi hao on facebook. OMG! There were so many absenties in my class yesterday. Hmm? wandering what might have happen.
24 JULY 2009
Woke up at 6.10am and getting ready to haed for school. DAMN! it rained but im lucky cause it was drizzling only. Reach scholl late due to the late transport.
Ama start her 'KECOH'. hehe. The whole class took the temperature together. Too bad for ayu, she had to go home because she had a temperature of 39.1. Hoping that sehe will be alright. for malay class we playhang-man with CIKGU LIYANA.. so cute of her to give us such easy words. then we were given TIRAMISU choc.. WOW! it's superb tasty.. Wanderin where she bought it?? HMM..........
Sorry bloggers.. i Got To go..due take care of yourself k!