Saturday, April 11, 2009, 3:34 PM
Iffah Ihua ♥ Yamato Takeru
hey ppl...
urm it raining rite nw..
theres like thunder...
haiz..im like having sum cnflict wit husain...
he wans me to mit him..but.. after a few mment he told me..
he didnt wana mit me...
haiz i juz dun kne wat hppn to hym...
he said tat bcoz of me he change..
i didnt do aniting to him..
n nw his blaming on me..
he will alwaes sae tat i dun understnd him..
hais..izit reallie my fault..
coz of tis hppning..
argh!!!! i hate myself!!!
haiz..U SUCK IFFAH!!!!
aniwae juz nw i went for art class...
after e class...we went to eat....
i feel like nt going hm at 1st..bt then i change my mind...
klau ikut kan hati aku tk akn alek uma ampai mlm uh...
my mood dun seems rite tis few daes..
which me myself is not sure of it...
oh yeah...im suppose to retrn hafidz lib bk..
hmm tat means i will b retrning it on mndae..
hais.. sowie..bt im not in e mood to crry on..tc ppl..
my hart juz ache wen he sae those words to me..
urm it raining rite nw..
theres like thunder...
haiz..im like having sum cnflict wit husain...
he wans me to mit him..but.. after a few mment he told me..
he didnt wana mit me...
haiz i juz dun kne wat hppn to hym...
he said tat bcoz of me he change..
i didnt do aniting to him..
n nw his blaming on me..
he will alwaes sae tat i dun understnd him..
hais..izit reallie my fault..
coz of tis hppning..
argh!!!! i hate myself!!!
haiz..U SUCK IFFAH!!!!
aniwae juz nw i went for art class...
after e class...we went to eat....
i feel like nt going hm at 1st..bt then i change my mind...
klau ikut kan hati aku tk akn alek uma ampai mlm uh...
my mood dun seems rite tis few daes..
which me myself is not sure of it...
oh yeah...im suppose to retrn hafidz lib bk..
hmm tat means i will b retrning it on mndae..
hais.. sowie..bt im not in e mood to crry on..tc ppl..
my hart juz ache wen he sae those words to me..